Lone wolf detective with an enormous personal grievance seeks to connect the mysterious death of his daughter to an urban legend of a villain who terrorizes Japan by insinuating himself into people's dreams and the collective psyche of the Japanese people.
The Vow (Season 1) (2020)
Cold War 1 (2012)
Ốc Sên Cũng Có Tình Yêu (2016)
Cảnh Khuyển Ba Đả (2016)
Bandit Regiment 2: Thousand Face Thief (2017)
Death Note: Light Up the New World (2016)
Joy Ride 2: Dead Ahead (2008)
Out of Villain''s Vale (2018)
How to Rob a Bank (2024)
Criminal Minds (Season 1) (2005)
Al Cappuccino (2020)
Ichi the Killer (2001)